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RPR’s CEO Presents AWE Nite SF Event: “XR and Accessibily”

RPR’s CEO Presents AWE Nite SF Event: “XR and Accessibily”

From avatar design and hardware costs to machine learning algorithms and the teams behind them, this event aims to outline the actions we as the AR and VR community need to take so that this next wave of computing is truly accessible and inclusive to everyone.

Patrick Johnson

February 26th, 2025

AWE Nite SF’s AR Gaming event is now available on YouTube!

AWE Nite SF’s AR Gaming event is now available on YouTube!

The event was hosted by Emily Olman, CEO of Spatial First, and Patrick Johnson, CEO of Rock Paper Reality. It featured a killer presentation by Terry Schussler, Senior Director Spatial Computing, Deutsche Telekom and Tim Friedland, CEO, forwARdgame around 5G and multi-player gaming.

Patrick Johnson

February 26th, 2025

RPR’s CEO Presents: AWE Nite SF’s Apple Event!

RPR’s CEO Presents: AWE Nite SF’s Apple Event!

Patrick Johnson, CEO of RPR, hosted an evening at the Verizon Innovation Center along with Apple to focus on all things ARKit—the largest AR platform in the world with hundreds of millions of AR-enabled iPhones and iPads.

Patrick Johnson

February 26th, 2025

AWE Nite SF: The Holiday Party!

AWE Nite SF: The Holiday Party!

We have lined up some serious AR heavy-hitters and demos, including a fireside chat with Tony Parisi.

Patrick Johnson

February 26th, 2025

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