RPR Consulting

Imagining and delivering your future


Immersive technology consultancy

We are your trusted advisory partner for all things immersive. RPR Consultants deliver strategic immersive technology solutions across the value chain for business leaders needing guidance, advice, or validation. Whether it’s insights or opportunities, our expert consultants help businesses navigate the world of immersive technology, creating clearer paths forward.



Our consulting services

Our work

Consulting: Jackson Family Wines

Raising brand awareness, driving deeper loyalty and invigorate growth.

Consulting: Leading Creative Software

Discovering how the emergence of the Metaverse can impact business and how to position a company within it.

“We’re highly impressed with RPR and found them to be a best-in-class AR agency: highly communicative, creative and customer focussed”

Hannah Bianchini,
Executive Producer, Microsoft Mixed Reality Capture Studios

“We have always looked to innovate within our industry. Creating thoughtful, useful tools for mobile web users is an example of our dedication to our art buyers to make it easier for them to discover and buy art they love.”

Jeanne Anderson,
Senior Vice President and General Manager, Saatchi Art

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Virtual Showrooms Now Made Possible Through AR

Virtual Showrooms Now Made Possible Through AR

Are you looking for new and innovative ways to reach customers? Here’s how virtual reality showrooms “wow” customers and give you a competitive edge.

Rock Paper Reality

October 31st, 2022

10 Applications of Extended Reality

10 Applications of Extended Reality

Extended reality (XR) combines digital information with our environment. From business to education and the military, this technology is going mainstream.

Rock Paper Reality

October 31st, 2022

Augmented Reality in Fashion

Augmented Reality in Fashion

Are you looking for new and innovative ways to promote your brand? Learn how augmented reality in fashion can change the way you engage consumers.

Patrick Johnson

October 31st, 2022

Industrial and Manufacturing AR

Industrial and Manufacturing AR

Augmented reality is set to bring about the next revolution in the industrial and manufacturing industries. To not adopt it is to be left behind.

Rock Paper Reality

October 31st, 2022

Enterprise Deployments of Augmented Reality

Enterprise Deployments of Augmented Reality

Enterprise AR is set to bring about the next big wave of change in many industries. Businesses seeking to stay competitive should use the technology.

Rock Paper Reality

October 31st, 2022

Examples of AR in Marketing

Examples of AR in Marketing

Update this short form copy under the ‘Excerpt’ accordion under the ‘Posts’ tabon this Insight’s admin page. Ideal length of 20-25 words.

Rock Paper Reality

October 31st, 2022

AR Ads & AR Commerce

AR Ads & AR Commerce

Update this short form copy under the ‘Excerpt’ accordion under the ‘Posts’ tabon this Insight’s admin page. Ideal length of 20-25 words.

Rock Paper Reality

October 31st, 2022