Web AR

Augmented reality, made easy and accessible

What is Web AR?

Web-based augmented reality (WebAR) is a technology that allows users to access AR experiences directly from their smartphone’s web browser. With WebAR, users do not need to download an App. Instead, they can enjoy immersive experiences on their mobile phone and web browser as quickly as accessing a webpage. Explore our list of fantastic Web AR examples to learn more.

How does Web AR work?

Thanks to advances in mobile web browsers, you can experience engaging augmented reality content on your smartphone by scanning a QR code or clicking a web link. You’ll then receive permission to activate your camera. Once activated, you’re in the experience. It’s that simple.

The benefits of Web AR


There are fewer barriers to entry, and Web AR boasts more compatibility with all Android and iOS devices – creating a more seamless user experience.

Greater reach

Without the need for downloading an App, there is greater potential to improve the reach and accessibility of your Web AR content.

Better engagement

Web AR performs exceptionally well when engaging customers. On average, users of our experiences spend over three minutes engaged in digital content.

Improve conversions

AR experiences can lead to a 94% higher conversion rate* – thanks to better product visualisations and brand connection. (*Deloitte Digital).

Our Web AR services

Ground-breaking content creation

We’ve developed several proprietary workflows for AR content creation. From 3D photorealistic modelling and optimisation to custom interactions and loading screens – we create content that will excite your customers and delight stakeholders.

End-to-end service

Whether it’s your first Web AR project, or your one hundredth, knowing what you want and where to start is half the battle. We deliver a full suite of Web AR solutions, from strategic planning and creative ideation to design, development, and deployment.

Web AR hosting

We offer integrated cloud hosting that’s globally distributed for rapid content delivery, reliable security, and encryption. So, wherever your customers are around the globe, they can access the experience on the fastest, most reliable servers worldwide.

Performance measuring

We provide custom analytics dashboards to measure and track the success of your campaign performance. Integrate your Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, and eCommerce platforms – all visible in one place – to see how your Web AR experiences perform.

Web AR in action

Jackson Family Wines

Creating the world’s first holographic Web AR experience

We boosted awareness, engagement, and sales of Jackson Family Wine’s Pinot-Noir specialist brand, Siduri Wines. We used first-of-its-kind technology to entertain new and existing customers and bring Siduri’s audience face-to-face with a hologram of their winemaker. 

Looking for expert WebAR advice?

We advise forward-thinking businesses on how to leverage and use Web AR to their advantage.  

Want to create Web AR experiences?

Wedeliver exceptional WebAR experiences for businesses looking to bring their products and services to life.

Chat with us

Not sure where to start? Whether you need strategic advice and support or delivery experts to bring your vision to life, we’re here to help. Get in touch.

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The Main Components of WebAR Development

The Main Components of WebAR Development

WebAR development enables businesses to bring augmented reality to the widest possible audience. Frameworks and tools simplify the process.

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022

Is WebAR Better than AR Apps?

Is WebAR Better than AR Apps?

Of the two main approaches to developing augmented reality (AR) experiences, WebAR works on nearly all devices without requiring downloads.

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022

WebAR in the Beverage Industry

WebAR in the Beverage Industry

WebAR in the beverage industry allows brands to deeply engage customers. This elevates the user experience, allowing them to stand above the competition.

Patrick Johnson

November 4th, 2022

The Best WebAR Experiences (8 Examples)

The Best WebAR Experiences (8 Examples)

Update this short form copy under the ‘Excerpt’ accordion under the ‘Posts’ tabon this Insight’s admin page. Ideal length of 20-25 words.

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022

How Does Web-based Augmented Reality Work?

How Does Web-based Augmented Reality Work?

Web-based augmented reality (webAR) technology helps companies extend their reach through mobile devices. But, how does it work and what makes it effective?

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022

The Best Web AR Marketing

The Best Web AR Marketing

Web AR is a very effective medium to drive brand awareness and conversions. The only limit to this technology is creativity. So here’s some of the best Web AR Marketing examples to give you inspiration!

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022

What You Need To Know About WebAR Analytics

What You Need To Know About WebAR Analytics

Update this short form copy under the ‘Excerpt’ accordion under the ‘Posts’ tabon this Insight’s admin page. Ideal length of 20-25 words.

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022

The Challenges Behind Web AR Campaigns

The Challenges Behind Web AR Campaigns

Update this short form copy under the ‘Excerpt’ accordion under the ‘Posts’ tabon this Insight’s admin page. Ideal length of 20-25 words.

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Web AR

Everything You Need to Know About Web AR

Update this short form copy under the ‘Excerpt’ accordion under the ‘Posts’ tabon this Insight’s admin page. Ideal length of 20-25 words.

Rock Paper Reality

November 4th, 2022